EPO joined fellow pet trade association colleagues from around the world at the 33rd CITES Animals Committee, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland from July 12th, to 19th, 2024.
This forum discusses issues around the sustainable trade in animals (it followed on from a week looking at plants). It is a very important meeting as the Committee makes recommendations to the Conference of the Party gatherings, which happen every few years, where final decisions are made on how certain species can be traded.
Dr Matthew Bond (OATA) attended on behalf of EPO alongside Svein A. Fosså representing OFI.
EPO made representations on a number of issues relevant to the pet sector. These centred on three main themes:
· Highlighting questions around the CITES approach to captive breeding;
· Seeking to amend Stony Coral resolutions to make it easier for both traders and law enforcement to enact CITES rules; and
· Ensuring a process went forward to effectively assess some of the marine ornamental species identified by the technical workshop held in May 2024 in Brisbane (Australia)