EPO welcomes its FIRST Associate Members

Following the EPO AGM 2024 decision to welcome a new category of members with ASSOCIATE MEMBERS, EPO is honored to welcome its FIRST Associate Members with:

·      Fressnapf

·      Kölle Zoo

·      Megazoo Alpha

·      Megazoo Management

·      Egesa Zookauf

·      Zooma

·      Das Futterhaus

·      Sagaflor

·      Dehner Gartencenter GmbH & Co

·      WZF GmbH

Associate members are members of the pet sector but not a national pet association.

They are already affiliated as a member with one of the EPO members or as an entity collaborating with one of them.

They also have to comply with both the EPO charter and the EPO code of conduct.

Looking to join EPO as associate members, we invite you to contact the EPO Secretariat.